SeaRAY leverages Vicor tech to convert wave energy
C-Power provides reliable, cost-effective ocean wave energy generation and storage. Vicor power modules support efficient kinetic energy conversion
This video presents the benefits of voltage trimming, i.e., creating non-standard output voltages and voltage controlled current sources. Trimming methods are described, and lab demonstrations are used for visual support.
SeaRAY leverages Vicor tech to convert wave energy
C-Power provides reliable, cost-effective ocean wave energy generation and storage. Vicor power modules support efficient kinetic energy conversion
Driving next-gen efficiency and productivity to the battery lifecycle
With soaring demand for batteries today, how can production keep pace? Learn why Vicor power dense modules are perfectly designed to meet today’s demands
高性能電源モジュールで、世界最先端の完全電動ワーククラス ROV (eWROV) を実現
Saab UK社は、小型で放熱性の高い電源モジュールを使って、世界最高クラスの性能をもつ、環境に優しい eWROVを実現
Greg Green discusses industry insights on technology innovations for the next gen of EVs
EETimes sponsored a panel discussion on Technology Innovation for the Next Gen of EVs. Learn what Greg Green of Vicor had to say about using power modules