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ケーススタディ: 自動車用アクティブサスペンション

High density power conversion makes active suspensions viable



xEV customers expect the improved ride and safety that active suspensions provide. It’s been difficult to implement because 12V actuators are so large they won’t fit at all 4 wheels. Native 48V actuators would be necessary. The resulting power solution would need to regenerate power when the shock returns to its neutral position and react instantly to changes in power load and direction. The key challenges were:

  • Existing 12V systems cannot provide adequate power
  • 800V is too dangerous to route through the vehicle body
  • Traditional converters cannot change direction or boost power as quickly as necessary
Vicor Automotive active suspension image


With their compact size, Vicor power modules can be easily packaged near the high voltage traction battery, making it feasible to implement active suspension by efficiently sending power to 48V actuators at all 4 wheels. The bidirectional power modules can provide the power necessary (4 to 6kW) to bring the shock down – and unlike discrete solutions – can respond instantly to provide the same amount of regenerative power back to the battery as the shock returns to its neutral position. Key benefits were:

Key benefits


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放熱設計がシンプルにでき、テスト済のモジュールのため 別の車両プラットフォームに容易に流用ができる

電力供給ネットワーク (PDN)

BCM6135 bidirectional power modules convert the HV coming from the EV battery to a safe 48V SELV which is then routed to each wheel’s suspension system. Each BCM provides 2.5kW of power, allowing each wheel to function – consuming or regenerating power back to the battery – independently of each other.

Vicor power delivery network for automotive active suspension



入力電圧: 520 – 920V

出力電圧: 32.5 – 57.5V

出力電流: 最大 80A

出力電力: 2.5kW

61 x 35 x 7.4mm
